Strength of Science and Education

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  Yangling Demonstration Zone has strong advantages in agricultural science and education. In 1934, the national government established the first agricultural higher education school in Northwest China—National Northwest Agriculture and Forestry College, the predecessor of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University. In the following decades, especially since the founding of the Republic of China, the state and Shaanxi government have successively established 10 agricultural science and education units in Yangling, including two universities, 5 research institutes, and 3 technical secondary schools, making Yangling have the name of China’s “Agricultural Science City” for its abundant agricultural science and education resources. The Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in the area is one of the key construction universities of the national “985” and “211” projects, and is on the first batch of selected national “world-class universities and first-class disciplines” construction list. Yangling Vocational and Technical College is the first batch of national demonstration higher vocational colleges, ranking 11th in the competitiveness list of China’s higher vocational colleges. This area gathers more than 70 disciplines about agriculture, forestry and waters, and more than 7,000 agricultural science and education personnel, serving as an important agricultural science and education base in China. Yangling’s strength in agricultural science and education will provide a solid scientific and educational force guarantee for the construction of the only Comprehensive Bonded Zone with agricultural characteristics in China.