Bonded Logistics Warehousing and Import and Export Trade Policy

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There are no restrictions on the variety and storage time of goods stored in the Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and the goods stored in the Baoyuan warehouse can be distributed directly or after single processing according to the instructions of the real right unit without changing the property rights; value-added tax and consumption tax are not levied in the zone, other domestic special supervision zones or overseas. Enterprises outside the zone can import a variety of commodities into the zone to obtain tax rebates, and follow customer instructions to collect and transport them for export.
Domestic and foreign buyers purchase goods from abroad and enter the Comprehensive Tax Declaration Area. According to the needs of enterprises outside the zone, they will deliver goods from the warehouse in batches (the entry of domestic goods into the zone may be regarded as export), and then the downstream processing trade enterprises will go through the import procedures to achieve the purpose of 
Enterprises in the Comprehensive Bonded Zone can carry out research and development business, and all overseas and domestic instruments, equipment, and materials used are not subject to industrial restrictions and enjoy tax exemption, bonded and tax refund policies; testing goods imported and exported from overseas and outside the zone enjoy bonded policies; domestically produced export equipment and other goods can enter the zone for bonded maintenance and re-export.
For goods imported and exported between the region and overseas, the customs implements a record system and does not implement import and export quotas and license management.